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    Breast Implant Prep & Recovery: What You Need to Know

    Woman laying in bed after breast augmentation with implants

    Do you have a breast augmentation surgery date on the calendar? It’s time to get serious! This is a truly transformative journey, and with the right pre- and post-op steps, you can support the healing process and achieve gorgeous curves you’ll enjoy for years to come.

    In this post, we will discuss the preparation and recovery on the road ahead.

    Preparing for your breast augmentation

    A smooth recovery and optimal breast augmentation results begin with choosing a highly experienced surgeon specializing in breast implant surgery with a proven track record of achieving safe, beautiful outcomes. During your consultation, we’ll provide detailed instructions on how to prepare in the days leading up to your surgery. Typically, preoperative instructions to help streamline breast augmentation recovery include:

    • Avoiding certain blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil), as they can increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.
    • Fasting for a certain period of time before surgery (i.e. the night before) to ensure your stomach is empty during anesthesia.
    • Making arrangements for transportation and recovery care; you will not be able to drive home after breast surgery, and you will also need someone to help with daily tasks for a day or two—or longer if you have small children at home.
    • Preparing your recovery area by having loose clothing, a comfortable place to rest, and any necessary supplies—such as pain medications, nutritious prepared foods, water, or ice packs—within easy reach.

    We will also discuss the potential breast augmentation risks and complications and how we will use the latest techniques—i.e. the Keller funnel—to further minimize their occurrence.

    The recovery timeline after breast implant surgery

    The recovery timeline for breast augmentation will vary for each patient and may depend on factors such as the extent of the surgery, the type of implant used, and your overall health. Below is a general overview of what to expect during your recovery:

    • Immediately after surgery: You’ll be taken to a recovery room to be monitored for a few hours. You’ll have dressings over the incisions or a surgical bra to support the breasts and limit swelling.
    • First few days following surgery: You will experience some soreness, swelling, and bruising in the chest area, and you’ll be advised to avoid physical activity (beyond gentle walking) and rest as much as possible. Prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication can be used to manage your discomfort.
    • The first week after surgery: You will have a follow-up appointment so we can monitor your healing progress and remove any dressings. Our patients typically feel ready to resume light activities and desk work around this time, but continue to avoid strenuous activity or exercise.
    • Two to four weeks after surgery: Postoperative swelling and bruising begin to subside, and you may feel more like yourself. Once cleared, you may gradually resume light exercise and physical activity, but you should still avoid exerting their chest muscles and any high-impact activities.
    • Six weeks after surgery: Most patients are cleared by their surgeon to resume normal activities and exercise, but should still not strain healing chest muscles and breast tissue.
    • Several months after surgery: Scars gradually begin to fade, and your final results will be more apparent. Continue attending regular follow-up appointments to monitor the long-term success of your implants. Your final results will be apparent between 6-12 months following breast implant surgery, as remaining swelling subsides and under-the-muscle implants gradually “drop and fluff” to their final placement.

    About Maningas Cosmetic Surgery

    Our Joplin cosmetic surgery practice is led by board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Talon Maningas, who offers a full range of cosmetic surgery for the face, breast, and body. We are also home to Maningas Wellness & Injectables, where we offer a full range of wellness and minimally-invasive cosmetic treatments, including hormone replacement therapy, dermal filler and Botox®, and laser skin treatments.

    Schedule your consultation today by calling 417-437-0303 or contacting us online.

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