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    Woman Gets Girl Boss Advice from Maningas Cosmetic Surgery

    Be a Boss Lady: Tips from the Maningas Cosmetic Surgery Team

    Our team at Maningas Cosmetic Surgery knows what it takes to be a Boss Lady. This majority-female squad is all about knowing what we want, making the dream a reality brick-by-brick, and being true to ourselves in the process. (Not to mention shattering a glass ceiling here and there!) We collected some tips from our fabulous team and boiled the advice down into a list of inspiring boss lady habits that we hope will prove useful for all of the blossoming bosses out there! 1. Walk with confidence. People read body language, and how you enter a room makes a difference in how you are perceived as the boss. Walking...

    Woman Loves her Youthful Neck thanks to Anti-Aging Neck Technology at Maningas Cosmetic Surgery

    Nora Ephron Hated Her Neck. We Bet She Would Have Loved this Technology.

    In the 2006 book I Feel Bad About My Neck, Nora Ephron writes candidly about the tribulations of aging—specifically, the neck. “There are scrawny necks and fat necks, loose necks, crepey necks, banded necks, wrinkled necks, stringy necks, saggy necks, flabby necks, mottled necks,” she writes of herself and her fellow women friends who she meets for lunch, all of them outfitted in neck-concealing turtlenecks and scarves. And then she points out what was, at the time, a hard truth: “[S]hort of surgery, there’s not a damn thing you can do about a neck.” Nora Ephron, we have good news: There’s a brand-new, minimally-invasive procedure that will tighten the...

    Woman Gets Results from RF Assisted Liposuction at Maningas Cosmetic Surgery

    6 Ways RF-Assisted Liposuction is Better than CoolSculpting

    Liposuction can do so much: we can use it from chin-to-toe to achieve body contours our patients didn’t believe were possible. Radiofrequency (RF) increases the effectiveness of this ever-useful body contouring tool: it allows us to sculpt with more refinement, tightens skin, and reduces recovery time, making RF-assisted liposuction our go-to for sculpting six packs and hourglass shapes. It’s not uncommon for patients with persistent fat pockets to weigh RF-assisted liposuction (RFAL) against the nonsurgical fat-freezing technology, CoolSculpting®. But while CoolSculpting may be a catchier, more “newsworthy” body contouring procedure, we advise our Joplin body contouring patients to go with the one that works every time: BodyTite™ RF-assisted...