
Ear Reshaping

What Is a Ear Reshaping?

Also Known As a Otoplasty

Cosmetic surgery of the ear, or otoplasty, is an aesthetic procedure that alters the size, position, or proportion of the ears. The outcome of ear reshaping surgery varies greatly depending on the changes that are desired, but these procedures generally improve self- confidence, especially in children and teenagers. If the ears stick out, ear pinning can be performed to flatten the ears against the head. If one ear is positioned higher than the other, ear repositioning can create symmetry. Large, oversized ears can be addressed alone or in conjunction with other ear issues.


Cosmetic Ear Reshaping Starts at $5,000 - $8,000.


5-7 Days of Surgical Downtime and Up To 14 Days of Social Downtime


Ear Reshaping Patients Can Expect 1 Week of Lifting Restrictions


Non-Smokers, Female or Male, Ages 5 - 65+ Years Old and Generally in Good Health

When To Consider Ear Reshaping

If any of the following describe you, ear reshaping, or otoplasty, is an option to consider: • If you were born with overly large or small ears • If your ears are disproportionate to your head or oddly placed • If your ears stick out prominently • If you have suffered an injury that has negatively impacted the shape or positioning of your ears

Recovery & Downtime

Ear Reshaping is typically performed as an outpatient procedure using general anesthesia, although local anesthesia with intravenous sedation may be appropriate in certain cases. After your procedure, you will experience postoperative bruising and swelling, with mild to moderate discomfort for a day or two. You will be prescribed pain medication to help minimize discomfort during your initial recovery. For facial procedures, Dr. Maningas breaks down your downtime into two categories: surgical (how you feel) and social (how you look). You can expect 3-5 days of surgical downtime, not feeling up to much, and up to 14 days of social downtime, not feeling like you look too great. You will also have lifting restrictions for a week or so after your procedure.

The patients we see for this type of procedure would be categorized as an elective procedure done for cosmetic reasons. Insurance will not cover these types of procedures. Our office does not take, file or make any insurance claims for any cosmetic procedure.

Request a Consultation

Submit a consultation request and one of our patient care coordinators will get back to you soon

about making an appointment that fits best with your schedule and surgical timeline.

By submitting this form, you will not be scheduled for an appointment, simply to let us

know of your interest and to gather more information so we can efficiently assist you.